Lightboxes for all scs and all rjl enjoy ar truckshop Credits: lightboxes for all scs and all rjl DOWNLOAD 12 MB
Lightboxes for all scs and all rjl enjoy ar truckshop Credits: lightboxes for all scs and all rjl DOWNLOAD 12 MB
Pack adds in game 173 new models of trailers (different trailers by Kögel, Fliegl, Böse, Närko, Lamberet, Chereau, Schmitz, Bodex, Wielton, D-Tec, Fruehauf, Schwarzmüller, Kassbohrer, Rolfo, Samro, Krone, Pacton, Ekeri, Goldhofer, Kröger, Aydeniz, Nooteboom, Sommer, NTM, HRD, Estepe, Fontaine, McLendon, Krampe, Kotte, Panav, Kempf, Langendorf, Galtrailer, Michieletto, Groenewegen, Chmzap, Maz, Nefaz, Szap, Tonar, Odaz, Becema […]
[EN] This mode adds coustom trucks to the game. These trucks run on multiplayer. Purchase SP first, then enter MP. You can buy this truck from the mod dealer. [TR] Bu mod oyuna düzenlenmiş tırları ekler. Bu tırlar multiplayerde çalışır. Önce SP de Satın alın Sonra MP ye girin. Siz bu tırı mod bayisinden satın […]
This is new Hino AK 1J with 7 Fronts & 8 Backs. It is a premium mod. This was a sell mod but now this is free to use. 7 different front design and 8 different back are in there. Sounds are now fully realistic. Looking glass lights are added in front looking glass. […]
FREE FUEL By 27C if you have any mod ideas we are ready to make it as real mod. Credits: 27C DOWNLOAD 17 KB
For Version 1.36 Standard Curtainsider Only. Happy Trucking !!! Credits: Millsyb DOWNLOAD 9 MB
3-masted Danish-style steering wheel for scania works with all SCS Scania series and all rjl scania series Patch: 1.36+ Credits: Gonçalo Miguel Selas, Converted Oxygen DOWNLOAD 323 MB
For Version 1.36 Standard Curtainsider Only. Happy Trucking !!! Credits: Millsyb DOWNLOAD 9 MB
Version 1.5. Compactibile with 1.36v (ETS2) Lowbed cargo fix SCS Log C double SCS Log D double SCS Log single 1ax ( non rigids ) KRONE dolly /model KRONE Boxliner dolly KRONE Coolliner dolly KRONE Dryliner dolly KRONE ProfilinerHR dolly KRONE Profiliner tandem KRONE Profiliner dolly KRONE Profiliner C double Cargos Icons Tuning Credits: Teklic […]
BEWARE of re-uploads by other people without permission do not support these people, always check if the uploader is: Kass Features In Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds V2.2: * Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.36.x * Realistic Thunder Sounds. * Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck. * […]