– 100% Paintable– Paindet or Custom Skin– With Orange LEDs or White LEDs– With CB antenna or without– Flares can be adjusted– Template in 4096×4096 included Credits:3D-Wolf DOWNLOAD 26 MB
– 100% Paintable– Paindet or Custom Skin– With Orange LEDs or White LEDs– With CB antenna or without– Flares can be adjusted– Template in 4096×4096 included Credits:3D-Wolf DOWNLOAD 26 MB
StandaloneWheels and rimsInteriorSoundFixed for v1.49 Credits:dutchliner, Caspian Custom Team DOWNLOAD 166 MB
THIS IS A LITE VERSION. ASK FOR FULL VERSION BY EMAIL.cyrusthevirus2016@gmail.com FULL version includes:Truck and trailer integrated in one mod.Truck and trailer added to traffic.Flower Shuttle trailer in freight market. Get instructions. Send me an email. YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/cyrusthevirus_mods SUBSCRIBE!INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cyrusthevirus_modsSUPPORT ME WITH A SMALL DONATION: www.paypal.me/cyrusth3virus MOD PROTECTED BY CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE V4.0.https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/YOU CAN SHARE […]
Changelogs v2.1– Rebuild sounds to 1.49– Open def for modders This sound is based on the real-life truck (ampelakias 164l v8).I prefer this on audio setting 50% or lower (because this sounds much more brutal / much too loud) Credits:Bimo Wahyu Saputro DOWNLOAD 10 MB
Changelogs24.03.2024Added convoy mode supportAdded support for RJL T and T4 seriesAdded cabin isolation when windows closedFixed a retarder issue when truck on stop Includes:Real sounds of R950 KonstantinidisFour types of air brake soundAir GearAutomatic ‘ventil’ sound when you release gas pedal at low RPMThree types of cabin horn – vabis, whistle and segerFour types of […]
– You’re able to create your own skin and change the lightboxes– Templates are inside the mod– Fully AO Baked truck to have the best shadow quality possible even after reskinning.– Custom flarepack (lightened to reduce fps drops)– Clean console (no flare/material errors)– Compatible with 1.49 Credits:XBX Truckstyling DOWNLOAD 489 MB
Truck is adapted for version 1.49Full StandaloneFull LightmaskFull animationRED interior light as accessorySupport SiSL’s Mega PackPersonal wheelsHas interior tuning Credits:PlatinumDesignTruck DOWNLOAD 568 MB
Changelog-Compatibility for 1.49-Updated the mod arrangement can now be easily activated in mod manager-Minor tweaks on the interiors-Fixed some errors Features-5 Cabins-15 Chassis + Tandem trailers-DC12/13/16 Engines-8 Interiors + Vabis Angel Custom-10,12 speed transmissions-Tuning parts-Trailer+tandem skins-Accessories-Buy in Mod Dealer Credits:Ekualizer, Antonio62, Baltazar DOWNLOAD 274 MB
Real sound of R950 KonstantinidisFour types of air brake soundAir GearAutomatic ‘ventil’ sound when you release gas pedal at low RPMThree types of cabin horn – vabis, whistle and musical hornThree types of original bov (blow off valve) soundRetarder from MB TravegoCustom jake brakeInterior button soundsRealistic engine choices Version 2.1:– The exhaust sound between middle […]
Changelogs v8– Updated gps display and interior lighting– Updated models and animations– Fixed compatibility with SiSL Pack– Fixed bugs and errors– Compatibility for 1.49 Include:Truck is adapted for version 1.49Full StandaloneFull LightmaskFull animationRED interior light as accessorySupport SiSL’s Mega PackPersonal wheelsHas interior tuning Credits:PlatinumDesignTruck DOWNLOAD 571 MB