Skin for the Scania r next gen low cab, compatible with Scania PGRS work with the skideskirt, sunshiel and bumper from MDModding Credits:DopeDoy Skin ETS2 DOWNLOAD 1005 KB
Skin for the Scania r next gen low cab, compatible with Scania PGRS work with the skideskirt, sunshiel and bumper from MDModding Credits:DopeDoy Skin ETS2 DOWNLOAD 1005 KB
Interior Scania R & S White RedWork super on last version. Enjoy 😀 Respect my work and share original link. Thanks Credits:Gisko97 DOWNLOAD 6 MB
v.1.40.x-v.1.41.xEngine sound in video – Krichbaum. Credits:YuriI DOWNLOAD 3 MBDOWNLOAD 3 MB [mirror]
Scania S & R Beige InteriorWork super on last version. Enjoy 😀 Respect my work and share original link. Thanks Credits:Gisko97 DOWNLOAD 6 MB
Volvo FH 2012 Black Green Interior With Green LightsWork super on last version. Enjoy 😀 Respect my work and share original link. Thanks Credits:Gisko97 DOWNLOAD 1 MB
Volvo FH 2012 Black Brown InteriorWork super on last version. Enjoy 😀 Respect my work and share original link. Thanks Credits:Gisko97 DOWNLOAD 912 KB
Volvo FH 2012 Black Blue Interior With Blue LightsWork super on last version. Enjoy 😀 Respect my work and share original link. Thanks Credits:Gisko97 DOWNLOAD 1 MB
PL: Modyfikacja dodaje malowanie Lidl do naczep KroneMODYFIKACJA WYMAGA DLC KRONE TRAILER EN:The modification adds Lidl livery to Krone trailersMODIFICATION REQUIRES KRONE TRAILER DLC Credits:DoktorApsik DOWNLOAD 400 KB
skin DAF 95ATIWork for all versions Credits:Sotiris Giannakopoulos DOWNLOAD 179 kB
With door opening animationVolvo dealer purchaseIndependent interior and soundRespect for others is a virtueDo not upload the file againSkin:维天电脑科技 Credits:ETS2-梓柠 DOWNLOAD 105 MB