FIAT 619N Old Truck Mod with own interior,sound,animation and other modifications. Credits:Tito el Cordooobes DOWNLOAD 325 MB
FIAT 619N Old Truck Mod with own interior,sound,animation and other modifications. Credits:Tito el Cordooobes DOWNLOAD 325 MB
it has no effect on gameplay.Does not take damage when passing from a very high place.It does not reduce the performance of the vehicle in corners.Tested at 1.43suitable for any version.If the trailer is attached, it does not take any damage.Discord: you want to support me, you can reach me from the link below.If […]
Hello everyone, I leave you the update 1.42 / 43 of the Scania mod tuning,version: 1.42 / 43 works on SCS and Eugene. do not reload the mod thanks. Sorry for the bad English Credits:Scs, Ciak do not reload the mod thanks. Sorry for the bad English Credits:Scs, Ciak DOWNLOAD 11 MB
it has no effect on gameplay.Does not take damage when passing from a very high place.It does not reduce the performance of the vehicle in corners.Tested at 1.43suitable for any version.If the trailer is attached, it does not take any damage.Discord: Credits:Ataberk DOWNLOAD 1 MB
Optional: body, stops, loads, bumper, corujinha, abajur,…. Credits: Fernando Gamer. Reedit argentine: KZ3D – Kaku PeraltaLPMods, Tonho Accessories DOWNLOAD 204 MB
Mod with lots of accessories, animation of doors and trunks, realistic sound, updated to 1.43. Credits:DBMX DOWNLOAD 49 MB
CHANGELOG_____________Updated to 1.42 Credits:trzpro DOWNLOAD
CHANGELOG:- – Updated to game version 1.43– Minor edits and fixes DO NOT CHANGE LINKDO NOT REUPLOAD Credits:Nimit, vasja555, VakkoTeam DOWNLOAD 41 MB
MOD VERSION 1.41 1.42 1.43 Credits:Kokiel,Schmui DOWNLOAD 55 MB
CHANELOG:- – Updated to game version 1.43– Minor edits and fixes– Added paintjob skins DO NOT EDITDO NOT CHANGE LINKDO NOT REUPLOAD Credits:Azorax Modding, HRS-Mods, Kevin, Nimit DOWNLOAD 31 MB