Works with every version Do not upload to other website without my permission! Social media:IG: @trucker_filip Credits:Trucker Filip DOWNLOAD 15 MB
Works with every version Do not upload to other website without my permission! Social media:IG: @trucker_filip Credits:Trucker Filip DOWNLOAD 15 MB
I was told that a lot of accessories did not appear on the Scania Next Gen S, so I corrected this and I apologize for the inconvenience! Pack accessories for Scania Next Gen contains: * 9 Steering Wheel Vabis* 4 Variants DRL for white Light and Yellow Light* Yellow Light ( many variants)* Sideskirts 4*2 […]
Templates will be includedNow standaloneTested 1.38 for Scania by RJL Credits:TruckModding DOWNLOAD 6 MB
Bullbar skinnable for daf 105 et 106 only, tested on 1.38.x version, template inclued format .png Facebook page: Credits:Horseehorse Modding DOWNLOAD 2 MB
skin rjl in memory of andreas schubert, 1.38+ Credits:Ciak DOWNLOAD 158 KB
Side window tinting for MAN TGX Reworked by MADster.It is quite tolerable to drive even in the dark.For this mod to work, you need to download the main mod for the truck and fix for 1.38. Install above the main mod and fix. You don’t need to buy anything, everything will appear automatically.Reworked: NU444Please leave […]
A re-design of the Stock in game sound samples of ETS2.Follow the Original Thread here Credits:SCS, Japheth Rasta.Jr, Kriechbaum. Credits:SCS, Japheth Rasta.Jr, Kriechbaum. DOWNLOAD
A re-design of the Stock in game sound samples of ETS2.Follow the Original Thread here Credits:SCS, Japheth Rasta.Jr, Kriechbaum. DOWNLOAD
International 4700 for ets2 1.38.Accounting bugs were updated and corrected like ets2 version 1.38 Credits:Cartruck DOWNLOAD 107 MB
V8 Airhose skinable for ALL Scania Rjl, to change color you just need to edit & WORKS only in 1.38.x version V8 Airhose Skinable, pour changer de couleur il faut modifier : & fonctionne sur TOUT les Scania RJL, uniquement pour la 1.38.x Credits:HorseeHorse Modding DOWNLOAD 3 MB