Work for 1.36 and 1.35.Interior and exterior best. Credits: Converted by Catalin. DOWNLOAD 52 MB
Work for 1.36 and 1.35.Interior and exterior best. Credits: Converted by Catalin. DOWNLOAD 52 MB
Luxury Black and White Interior for Iveco Hi-Way Mod works great on version 1.35.x. – 1.36.x. Credits: MarcMods DOWNLOAD 1016 KB
The car is compatible with 1.36 1.35 and 1.34 fixledim at the request of a friend who has not tried can Credits: Created by AlexeyP, Kriechbaum, Snoman, Piva, SCS Software, 2018. Создано AlexeyP, Kriechbaum, Snoman, Piva, SCS Software, Halil. DOWNLOAD 80 MB