I took the blue skin of A.Mikhaylov of the blue geelhoed scania and I redone it like the real one Credits:A.Mikhaylov, _ets2italy, DOWNLOAD 113 KB
I took the blue skin of A.Mikhaylov of the blue geelhoed scania and I redone it like the real one Credits:A.Mikhaylov, _ets2italy, DOWNLOAD 113 KB
Skin by paoloWork in 1.36/137 Credits:Paolo DOWNLOAD 6 MB
Black skin for Scania RJLWork only on Topline cabinHope you like it🙂 Credits:Punji DOWNLOAD 49 KB
THIS IS MY SKIN!!! compatible madster !!! IS MULTICOLOR,2 COLOR HAPPY TRUCKING WITH MAN TGX LION EDITION!!! enjoy and download!!! Credits:Matt_07ita DOWNLOAD 21 MB
SD v2 Skin for Scania RS Longline Truck Test version: 1.36 I wish you a pleasant game! When you distribute to other sites, keep the author’s link Credits:Aleksandro DOWNLOAD 307 KB
SD v2 Skin for Scania T Longline Truck Test version: 1.36 I wish you a pleasant game! When you distribute to other sites, keep the author’s link Credits:Aleksandro DOWNLOAD 341 KB
There is Hacquin skin for scania S by SCS and Eugene, For use as the best i recommended those mods:– Big lightbox by DavyBerto– Abasstrepass wheelpackWork for 1.35-1.36 and above Credits:Truckskin by Dorian DOWNLOAD 2 MB
Overload Skin Scania S 2016 (V1.0) The creation of this mod was the source of my imagination Fit for S cab ONLY and compatible with all accessories, side skirts, mudguards, bumpers, sun visors, etc. Always check update before download. ETS2 Mods:https://mega.nz/folder/LhM33axL#9Au7ozDYje31_bZfR3Xhuw —— Repaint converted by ETS2 Studio 2020.02Tested in ETS2 V1.36 compatible with all versions […]
skin volvo fh16 2012 kick buttowski by rodonitcho mods 1.37for volvo fh16 2012 scsvolvo by pendragonvolvo by eugene Credits:rodonitcho mods DOWNLOAD 21 MB
tested and working on version 1.35 to 1.37 Credits:modsbyTAKU DOWNLOAD 11 MB