This is a skin I made base on a truck I see a lot in my neighbourhood. It’s a skin for the man TGX XXL, XLX, and XL. Please respect my work and do not reupload. Hope you guys like it! Credits:Jeremy Vandekerkhove DOWNLOAD 11 MB
This is a skin I made base on a truck I see a lot in my neighbourhood. It’s a skin for the man TGX XXL, XLX, and XL. Please respect my work and do not reupload. Hope you guys like it! Credits:Jeremy Vandekerkhove DOWNLOAD 11 MB
Skin for Scania NG by SCS and Eugene Side skirts by MDmodding Extended Sunshield Corner deflectors can be found here If you want the painted rims, download and activate them below the truck skin Credits: DOWNLOAD 677 KB
Hello here is a new skin from SL logisitc transport for scania S I hope you like it Credits:Loïc Paint Job DOWNLOAD 15 MB [Truck Skin]DOWNLOAD 2 MB [Trailer Skin]
Do not reupload!By FX Truckstyling Credits:FX Truckstyling DOWNLOAD 14 MB
A RJL Scania 4 series skin of the British operator R. D. Gill Haulage. Comes with… RJL Scania 4 series also recommended… powerkasi Scania RS Addons (4 Series compatibility mod needed) Light & Accessory pack Hella Lamp Addons My forum page! take skin requests there.) Credits:Lost Virtual DOWNLOAD 3 MB
Paintjobs “W. de VRIES & Zn. MAKKUM” for DAF F241 by XBS Painted by an existing company located in the Netherlands. Used only for the “Day Cab/Sleeper Cab/Space Cab | Default Trailer”. Wheels color: HEX 173E1CWheels cover: HEX BFFF00 Test on v.1.39.x Credits:Volund DOWNLOAD 1 MB
you need this mods bellow to work with the skin: 1.scania rjl 2. tandem addon rjl 3.all chassi addon (download ver 3,0 and Fix 1.39) 4.NTM Semi Trailers + Tandem Addon Credits:[CargoTLN]Lukas(CH) DOWNLOAD 377 KB
For other skin’s welcome to mine Facebook Page Name Of Skin: Dennis Vos Skin by kRipt Paintjob’sVersion: 1.0Author: kRipt Paintjob’s____________________________________________________________________⚠️8k Resolution⚠️Compatible with:-Hight Cabine-Normal Cabine-SCS Scania-Eugene Scania____________________________________________________________________⚠️RECOMENDED mod’s– Next Generation Scania P G R S by Eugene– Big Lightbox by DavyBerto– SIDESKIRT CUSTOM by MDModding– Extended Sunshield by Samuelswe____________________________________________________________________PLEASE, KEEP THE ORIGINAL LINK ! THANKS !Copyright […]
Skin United Tractor for Scania RS RjL, Addons Scania P Sogard3Tested on 1.39 Credits:Hilman Alwi DOWNLOAD 187 KB
A skin pack of the Danish operator Bjarne Nielsen. Comes with… RJL Scania 4 Series (topline and normal) Next Gen scania R (Eugene with Mighty Griffin DLC recommended) abasstreppas wheels paintjop 50k-addons lightboxes powerkasi lightboxes, working customs fuel tanks,roofgrills and sunshields My forum page! take skin requests there.) Credits:Lost Virtual DOWNLOAD 3 MB