The virtual world of Euro Truck Simulator 2 invites all lovers of trucks
to visit the new Grand Utopia card. On the vast territory, many roads
and interesting interchanges, manually built cities and picturesque
nature were spread.
Standalone map
Scale 1: 1
49 cities;
199 companies
22 dealers of trucks
About 7500 kilometers of roads
Thorough approach to details;
The economy is adjusted;
Traffic is configured;
For work, all DLC cards are needed;
Built from standard molfs, so very little weighs and is well optimized.
Compatibility with ETS 2 V1.45
Restoration of the road D5
Reconstruction of the backbone of the rally A1
Update the badge icon
Improving the card next to the Perign and next to the career
Removing the fare on the island of Chateau d’Ours
Adding markers on the highway
Adding 2 attractions
bus stops in Stellamar, Gerarme, Lossande-Zheles, Ba-Du-Shayen,
Shato-D’Ur, La Josephine, Kurfayirak, Port Elvinka, Tour,
Utopia-Portuera and Montsha-Soreng zone
Adding a bus icon for
existing bus stops in Belmon, Granville, Riviera-Insas, Lelrotas,
Alingsase, Laverne, Larzak, Pois Du-Nor, Jean-Du-Bartaile, Wil-Mari,
Shavanny, Kenzi and Saint-Benois
Launch: you need to create a new profile and choose a grandutopia.mbd module